Rachel Pedrithes

How to Hire Employees in a Skills-Short Market

The staffing and recruiting landscape has changed. Data suggests that employees in every sector are moving through specific skills that may be in short supply.  A recent research report from Microsoft revealed that approaching fifty per cent of the global workforce would consider a move in the next two years. And a recent article on …

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Accelerating Your Career in a Post-Pandemic World

Introduction Great technology careers don’t begin by accident or accelerate without your application and focus. The current workplace is changing with huge shifts in the global economy, DEI and remote working on the back of a worldwide pandemic that has altered our work. Earlier this year, Microsoft produced a research report about talent movement, which …

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How to Manage Your Organisation Coming out of Lockdown

With the Prime Minister vowing ‘no more lockdowns’, bringing back current team members and onboarding new employees – all in a new and socially distanced setting – is the aim of many organisations this year. Covid restrictions are now thankfully a thing of the past, as chief medical officer Chris Whitty stated in a government …

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The 7 Qualities That All High-Performing Employees Share

As a professional, it’s essential that you hire individuals into your team who will thrive, which in turn allows your business to grow. The ‘right’ hire can make all the difference, just as hiring someone who isn’t exactly what you’re looking for can be harmful to your team and ultimately your success. The Recruitment and …

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How to Be an Outstanding Leader in a Challenging Environment

In any time of change, from internal modifications within your industry to worldwide global upheaval, people will look to leaders for guidance and support. The one constant is change, but it can make your employees unsettled. Lack of understanding compounds issues, and low morale and a drop in productivity can quickly occur. So, what can …

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