
Mastering Your Interview: The Step by Step Guide

Job interviews in the technology channel are exciting and daunting for many candidates. If you’re lucky enough to be invited to an interview, you’ve likely already impressed your potential employer or recruitment consultant with your CV, cover letter, and application. But that doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed a job offer. The interview process is designed so …

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Workload Management Tips

Countless employees face expanding workloads and increasing pressure. The current economy means many organisations are forced to do more with less. Managers are demanding greater efficiency and productivity from their teams than ever before. Yet, unfortunately, many employees struggle to adapt to these new expectations. According to research by Development Academy, one of the main …

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How to Ace Competency-Based Interviews

How employers evaluate candidates and examine their proficiency for a role has changed significantly in recent years. Not only are companies embracing new technologies, conducting video assessments and online interviews, but they’re also exploring new strategies. After all, according to one study, traditional interviews are prone to human error, making it difficult for hiring managers …

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Banish the Bullies: Dealing with Workplace Bullying

Bullying is something no-one should have to deal with. While we often associate bullying with childhood, the reality is that bullies can follow people throughout their entire lives, impacting the performance, and culture of their workplaces. While conflicts in the workplace are natural, there’s a difference between misunderstandings and clashes among teams, and consistent abuse. …

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How to Overcome Overwhelm as an Employee

We all feel a little overwhelmed at times. Life, work, relationships, and countless other factors can make even the most organised person feel as though they’re drowning in their to-do list. Unfortunately, overwhelm is particularly common in the workplace, and in recent years, factors like the pandemic, changing work styles, and higher employer expectations are …

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