- Have you been to an interview and been undervalued?
- Left feeling like you wasted your time?
- Wondered, “what was that all about?”
- Knowing that if you were offered the role you would not take it anyway?
Well, you are not alone. I have spoken to many candidates and in numerous cases, their feedback has been one of leaving me amazed – but not in a positive way.
Below is a sample of the feedback I have collated from researching this over the past year (most not from my clients I might add) for you to take a look at.
- “I was made to wait for 20 minutes before I met the interviewer.”
- “I was not really sold the opportunity by the director, I expected more.”
- “She had not even read my CV. She knew nothing about me.”
- “I never heard back from them after the interview.”
- “They kept looking at their phone, it was really distracting.”
- “The phone went off and they answered it during the interview.”
- “It was 100% obvious they had not done any research about me.”
- “He did not want to be there, you could tell.”
- “It was like I was ‘lucky to be interviewing for them’.”
- “I felt that I was getting in the way of their time.”
- “He simply spoke at me for 50 minutes.”
- “The questions were a bit weird and not at all relevant to the role.”
- “I felt that the questioning was very aggressive.”
- “I did not feel I belonged and I will reject the offer.”
- “I could not work for her after that.”
These are just a sample of many I have heard over the years.
How dreadful are some of these comments?
My point is this. You may be considering interviewing over the next 12 months. When you do, take into account your “candidate experience”. If you have not been wowed at the “seduction stage”, what will it be like when you get there?
You should expect to be treated professionally during an interview. After all, it is your career and you prepare and attend the interview with a professional approach, so why shouldn’t they?
Can you relate to any of these?
Send me your examples. neo@ice-recruitment.com