Blog Posts

How to Choose Your IT Technology Sales Recruitment Partner in 2023

We’re living in a world where the demand for talent significantly outweighs the number of available candidates in search of technology sales roles. More than half of U.K. businesses are experiencing skill shortages, and countless worldwide organisations struggle to fill critical positions. Factors like the Great Resignation, the rise of […]

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The 7 Critical Recruiting Trends Impacting The IT Channel in 2023

For the last couple of years, employers in the IT channel have consistently struggled with a complex, skill-short hiring market. Unfortunately, while some challenges imposed by the pandemic in 2020-2022 are beginning to alleviate, recruitment is unlikely to get much easier in 2023. Following the “Great Resignation” of 2022, candidates […]

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Critical Hiring Trends That Will Impact Your Job Search in 2023

Candidates in the technology space have more power today than ever before. Not only do you have a wider selection of job opportunities to choose from in a skill-short marketplace, but you can also experiment with a range of working styles, from hybrid to remote employment. Following 2022’s “Great Resignation” […]

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A Guide To Attracting Leaders In a Skill-Short Market

The last couple of years has had a transformational impact on the technology industry. A state of global uncertainty prompted a significant shift in the attitude towards the workplace, and new trends began to emerge among employees from every industry. Today’s leaders are more discerning about where and who they […]

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Personal Branding: What You Need to Know

A strong brand isn’t just something a growing company needs to build. As a candidate you need to build your brand too. Personal branding is growing increasingly important in today’s constantly connected world as the IT sales recruitment process evolves. Around 70% of employers screen candidates by checking their social […]

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Creating Your Employee Value Proposition For A Skill Short Market

Introduction Employees in the skills-short IT Channel are increasingly discerning who they choose to work with. We’re living in the age of the Great Resignation, where turnover is higher than ever. Attracting and retaining great talent now requires a new, updated strategy. There is a new demand for IT channel […]

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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental health and wellbeing challenges in the workplace aren’t new concepts. People have been dealing with mental health concerns at work for as long as “work” has existed. However, what has changed is the way companies choose to address these issues. There are endless opportunities for employers to reduce staff […]

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Dream job or nightmare?

Dream job or Nightmare? What role are you in currently? Maybe somewhere in-between, but consider this: What do you want from your role? If you are sitting at work, or in your home office thinking, “I wish there was more to this”, “I hate my boss”, “why do they treat […]

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10 Interview Questions to Master in Your Interview

Interviews are a fundamental part of the job application process. Unfortunately, they can also be a daunting experience for any professional. While it’s impossible to predict exactly what your interviewer might ask, there are a handful of common questions in the current IT sales landscape. Knowing how to respond to […]

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(By Susan McKay, Multi-lingual Recruiter, Ice Recruitment) My days are spent working with clients and candidates.  Whether it is talking to the client to ascertain the personality, character and skills required for a new role, or speaking to candidates to find out what they are seeking and how to improve […]

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How to Hire Employees in a Skills-Short Market

The staffing and recruiting landscape has changed. Data suggests that employees in every sector are moving through specific skills that may be in short supply.  A recent research report from Microsoft revealed that approaching fifty per cent of the global workforce would consider a move in the next two years. […]

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Your Health Is Your Wealth

March 23rd, 2020, and it’s fair to say that the way we knew our world and working environments changed quite drastically.  No longer ‘required’ to be in the office for many, we found ourselves living, eating, sleeping, and working from home. If, like me, you noticed the social media advice, […]

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